
My Name is ALN

I Am an Avatar & So Are You 

Wow! That sounds kind of weird, what makes you say we are avatars?

What in the world is an “avatar,” anyway?  Avatar is a very ambiguous word.  My definition of the word (and WORLD) is intended to be a pragmatic disambiguation of both words. The history of the  word, and world,  extends (at least) back to ancient Vedic Hinduism and is popularized today in the sense of the “presence” of an online internet gamer or simple user of the technology you might think of as an icon.

My “biodigital” definition of the words invites your attention to explore the “REAL” Theory of Everything (My Big T.O.E), where you and I are avatars and so is the world; We creatively exist holofractally as a supersensory biodigital manifestation best understood mathematically and metaphorically.  This is our story and it is critical to the survival of us and our world as we know it and it is a relatively simple story told by me in plain English.

Alan Wright

Professor of Metaphysics

I was given the human name, Alan Wright, at my birth in Morenci, Arizona, USA on July 4, 1947, to Lola and Preston Wright; however;  my real name is Aln

This is my story. It is my personal metaphysical story of a human transcendence to a transhuman existence as an avatar:   ALN.


“Know Thy Self.” To know oneself is an urgent and consequentially constructive enterprise we metaphysical educators think of as being “born again” (transhuman).  I know from whence I came, where I am going, and how to get there from here. Do you? I doubt you do, but I can help you?  aln


My mission in life is based on three core values:  knowledge, justice and education. I profess to know that justice “to each what is due,” is, in fact, “Success Guaranteed for anyone, anytime, anywhere.”  I am a “teacher/preacher/creature, and I created the Wright Success Institute (WSI) as my mission in life many years ago. aln

welcome to the Wright success institute (wsi)

About ALN & WSI

People who have known me throughout my life as a (human) person on planet earth know me best physically as a member of a family & community, who has held many jobs to make a living and a professional career as an educational teacher and administrator at the local, state, and national levels, in many capacities.

A very few (relatively speaking) know that I know myself as an avatar.  What most scientists, philosophers, and “normal” people think of as a person with a mind, consciousness, spirit, or eternal soul, I REALIZE to be an avatar I know as ALN.  You probably think I am crazy and this is nonsense.  You would be wrong, and “I CAN & I WILL” prove it to you right here and right now!

In my role as a professor of metaphysics, I am an anomaly in the professional world today, a misfit.  I am an autodidact (a generalist rebel) in a world of conformist and specialist technicians. My Theory of Everything (My Big T.O.E) will be presented  “METAPHORICALLY” to you in several ways you can and will understand across several different online platforms that include  comparative religions, philosophy, ontological mathematics, cosmology, quantum physics, chemistry, biology, and neurology.

My story is, in fact, a transpersonal, transhuman, and transendent cosmic event offered to you for free with consequences beyond your current imagination.  aln


WSI Websites

Video Presentations

ALN & WSI provide several websites generated to encourage convesation though several modalities.  The first levelis presented on this website and includes  short weekly video presentations designed to establish a basis on which you are  encouraged to participate via comments and questions right here on this site.

Your comments and questions will be moderated for the purpose of security, spam, and basic civility and then answered as appropriate to your level of understanding to achieve success.  aln


WSI eMail

Written Communication

You are invited to use the contact forms on all my WSI websites to provide me with contact information and any interests or concerns you would like to share with me using your choice of communication.

I keep records of all WSI conversations across all mediums of communication for your privacy and protection, as well as mine.  I want you to feel comfortable sharing any thoughts you might have about our conversation as long as it is in a civil manner.  aln


Video Conferences

Weekly Video/Podcasts

My regular weekly videocasts provide invited participants with the opportunity to participate with each other online to share your thoughts and ask relevant questions of others.

The format for this is designed with Zoom technology for simplicity and  the convenience of all participants.  aln


Private Meetings

Free Online Consultation

I am committed to the personalization of this educational experience for all seriously interested individuals who have participated in my weekly Zoom videocasts.

I will schedule private Zoom consultations for applying “My Big T.O.E” to your personal, professional, political, and/or philosophical “So What” issues and related concerns.  aln


Problem Solving

Success Guaranteed!

There is a solution for every problem.  My Big T.O.E. provides the way forward for that solution.

My services are available to you free of charge, because  you could not afford my services. You may donate to the Wright Success Institute to support my work if you want to do so.  aln

Schedule a Consultation Today




(255) 352-6258